Presentation about versioned ISO-3166 in SKOS

11. Oktober 2007 um 00:03 1 Kommentar

Unlike my usual habbits and thanks to W-LAN in the hotel, the slides of my presentation Encoding changing country codes in RDF with ISO 3166 and SKOS at the second International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR2007) are ready and online even before the conference started! The full, detailed paper is not online yet because I am revising and correcting it (I found a very relevant paper after submission). And the serendipity effect of slideshare works: looking for other presentations about SKOS I stumbled upon the very interesting slides of Sebastion Kruk who works in the Corrib project on semantic web and digital libraries.
P.S: A preprint of the revised paper is available at

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