My PhD thesis about data

23. September 2013 um 09:03 3 Kommentare

I have finally received paper copies of my PhD thesis „Describing Data Patterns“, published and printed via CreateSpace. The full PDF has already been archived as CC-BY-SA, but a paper print may still be nice and more handy (it’s printed as small paperback instead of the large A4-PDF). You can get a copy for 12.80€ or 12.24€ via Amazon (ISBN 1-4909-3186-4).

I also set up a little website at The site contains an HTML view of the pattern language that I developed as one result of the thesis.

I am sorry for not having written the thesis in Pandoc Markdown but in LaTeX (source code available at GitHub), so there is no EPUB/HTML version.


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  1. Hi Jakob,

    der Link zu Github funktioniert leider nicht.

    Gruß, Jo

    Comment by Jo — 23. September 2013 #

  2. Danke für den Hinweis, ist korrigiert!

    Comment by jakob — 23. September 2013 #

  3. Ist bestellt und unterwegs. 🙂

    Kostet sogar nur 10,24 €…

    Comment by Adrian — 24. September 2013 #

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