Einfachste Projekthomepage bei GitHub

24. September 2014 um 09:57 1 Kommentar

Die einfachste Form einer Projekthomepage bei GitHub pages besteht aus einer Startseite, die lediglich auf das Repository verweist. Lokal lässt sich eine solche Seite so angelegen:

1. Erstellung des neuen, leeren branch gh-pages:

git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .

2. Anlegen der Datei index.md mit folgendem Inhalt:

# {{site.github.project_title}}

3. Hinzufügen der Datei und push nach GitHub

git add index.md
git commit -m "homepage"
git push origin gh-pages

Abbreviated URIs with rdfns

9. September 2014 um 11:26 5 Kommentare

Working with RDF and URIs can be annoying because URIs such as „http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title“ are long and difficult to remember and type. Most RDF serializations make use of namespace prefixes to abbreviate URIs, for instance „dc“ is frequently used to abbreviate „http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/“ so „http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title“ can be written as qualified name „dc:title„. This simplifies working with URIs, but someone still has to remember mappings between prefixes and namespaces. Luckily there is a registry of common mappings at prefix.cc.

A few years ago I created the simple command line tool rdfns and a Perl library to look up URI namespace/prefix mappings. Meanwhile the program is also available as Debian and Ubuntu package librdf-ns-perl. The newest version (not included in Debian yet) also supports reverse lookup to abbreviate an URI to a qualified name. Features of rdfns include:

look up namespaces (as RDF/Turtle, RDF/XML, SPARQL…)

$ rdfns foaf.ttl foaf.xmlns dbpedia.sparql foaf.json

@prefix foaf:  .
PREFIX dbpedia: 
"foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"

expand a qualified name

$ rdfns dc:title


lookup a preferred prefix

$ rdfns http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#


create a short qualified name of an URL

$ rdfns http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title


I use RDF-NS for all RDF processing to improve readability and to avoid typing long URIs. For instance Catmandu::RDF can be used to parse RDF into a very concise data structure:

$ catmandu convert RDF --file rdfdata.ttl to YAML